Workshops and Special Tracks

WCST-2024 is an international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art Sustainable Technologies, New Enabling Technologies, and identify emerging research topics and practices. To view the confirmed accepted Workshops, Tutorials and Special Sessions please click here.

The workshop and special track duration can be one day or one and half day. All the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. You can consider organising a workshop that is related to WCST-2024 topics, please click Call for Papers.

Important Dates

Workshop/Special Track Proposal SubmissionSeptember 5, 2024
Notification of Workshop/Special Track AcceptanceSeptember 14, 2024

Workshop Proposal

The purpose of these workshops is to provide a platform for presenting novel ideas in a less formal and possibly more focused way than the conferences themselves. It offers a good opportunity for young researchers to present their work and to obtain feedback from an interested community. The format of each workshop is to be determined by the organisers, but it is expected that they contain ample time for general discussion. The preference is for one day workshops, but other schedules will also be considered. All the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

The proposal must include.

  1. The name of the workshop.
  2. A statement of goals for the workshop.
  3. The names and addresses of the organisers.
  4. The names of potential participants, such as program committee members.
  5. A description of the plans for call for participation (e.g., call for papers).
  6. The expected number of attendees and the planned length of the workshop.
  7. The topic of the workshop should be relevant to the main conference and details of any previous workshops.
  8. The URL of the workshop web site.

If you are interested in organising workshops for the WCST-2024, please email your proposal to the Your workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Steering Committees. After acceptance of the workshop proposal, it is the responsibility of the Workshop Organiser(s) / Workshop Chair(s) to review all submitted papers to his/her workshop.

Special Track Proposal

Special tracks will be held in parallel with the general conference. They will give researchers an opportunity to meet and present their work, and offer a forum for interaction among the broader community of industrial control systems security researchers. Special track papers are required to meet the same standards as papers in the general conference and are published in the conference proceedings.

Proposals must be made using the special track template. Please include the following information in all proposals:

  1. Title of the special track.
  2. Names, affiliations and contact information for the special track chair(s).
  3. Names and affiliations of those who have so far agreed to serve on the special track’s program committee.
  4. Anticipated numbers of submissions and accepted papers. A track may have up to 4 papers. Special tracks that fail to attract sufficient papers will be merged into the general conference or suitable alternative track.
  5. A drafted copy of the call for papers. If you consider inviting any Keynote Speakers for your track, kindly note that we cannot offer any form of financial support for special track invited speakers at this stage.

If you are interested in organising special track for the WCST-2024, please email your proposal to the